Tis the season...
It's official. We are an old married couple. We have been married for 2 years. I'm not sure when you have to stop using the "Newlywed" label... hmm... not sure.
We had a splendid celebrate fit for a nana!! We stayed home, Jacob cooked some yummy steaks, potatoes, salad, bread, and sweet tea!! It was delicious. I made the dessert. Please brace yourself for the beauty your eyes are about to behold. After this creation, I have decided to quit my day job and become a cake decorator. READY??!?!?!
I know... ridiculous, right? At least it was tasty! Props to you cake artists [pronounced ar-teeeeests] out there! After cake, we watched Jim Carrey's A Christmas Carol!! It was pretty darn good!! :)
Jacob got me flowers too. I don't know why, but I love flowers. They just scream out BEAUTY and I just love them. I never thought I would be one of the sappy wives who loves flowers... but I am. My favorite gift though, from anyone, hands down is a card!! I LOVE WORDS!! I love truth and encouragement and love. That's what I cherish!!! Here's the purdy flowers and our cute lil' chalkboard:

Last weekend we traveled to New Orleans to watch Jared, the brother-in-law graduate from Seminary... he's a preacher/missionary man!
YAY for Jerald!!!! He worked hard and he (and Ashley) are done!!!! :) Yay!!!
Isn't Jo (the babe) so precious??? I love her a lot!
Now... NOLA is an interesting place to say the least. It's dark and evil in my opinion. We saw one of the mimes go BALLISTIC because a man touched his radio! I mean he went CRAZY!!!! It was very entertaining!
This street right here... hurt my heart so very much. It's known for the sin and craziness that lives there... but it's just sad. So many lost people surrendering there lives to this. We passed a voodoo shop. The sign on the door said:
Come In
Stange altars
Strange gods
I wish I had taken a picture of it, but I didn't. It is a sad but true statement of our lives. Yes, voodoo for real has strange altar and strange gods, but so do our lives. On the simplest terms out altar may be our couches, and the god our TV. In my life, my altar have been the walls I have built up and my strange god has been comfort and business. I want the ONE TRUE altar and the ONE TRUE God. I want to worship at the altar - the cross where I was set free. I want to delight in and follow the God who holds it all together. My heart hurts for the city of New Orleans - I pray that God does CRAZY work through the students at the seminary there. I have hope because God is the God of the city and the people and HE IS NOT DONE YET!
More news:
Today is my last day of work before CHRISTMAS BREAK starts!!! woot woot!! I'll be off for 2 and 1/2 weeks! YEAHH!!!
Good things are happening. I am choosing JOY! I am seeing newness. I am seeing walls breaking down... not an overnight process FYI
EMILY is coming today!!! I'm PUMPED!!
More to come later!!!
Merry Christmas EVE EVE EVE!!!
best.cake.ever. we had a nana anniversary too. they're really the best.
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