Jacob went to a pastors' conference Sunday-Monday this week in Mobile. I was left to protect the house and be entertained by Walter.
God has really been working on my heart A LOT lately... about A LOT of things - obedience, listening, prayer, passion, resting, reading, teaching, and more. God had really been laying on my heart the power and importance of prayer, intentional/since prayer, and the fact that we don't do it. We don't stop and pray for people when we feel the nudge to do so. Seriously... sometimes I would feel so strongly that I was suppose to STOP and PRAY over someone with my hands all over them (don't think like that) and just PRAY... but I just stand there awkwardly hoping that God will stop talking. How dreadful. We don't seek God on our friend's behalf. We just do the expected, mediocre prayers for a service, a meal, a sick person - we don't SEEK and PLEAD with God.
Sometimes I feel like we (Jacob and I) get so tired and worn out doing our daily routines and jobs, by the time we get home we just want to BE - God calls us BE MORE. He has invited us to seek Him together. Now don't get me wrong - we do seek Him together, we minister together, we love people together, but we don't have intentional family worship times at home. My heart has been longing for it. I knew Jacob was going to be gone for a few days and I committed to praying for him - that God would shape his heart and my heart to the same desires for our marriage and our ministry as a couple. He did... the first day! It was crazy. Jacob called and said he was learning a lot about PRAYER - WHAT?!? I was SO pumped. I love when I see God clearly and bluntly answer my prayers and He shows His power. He shows that I am asking in His will and that He is delighting in me. What a great thing... complete satisfaction.
I couldn't wait for him to get home to share. And share he did - with the youth group and the college group. WOW!
He spoke from his heart, spoke truth to us as his students, and he led intentional prayer. I am a proud and thankful wife.
We learned about the importance of personal and corporate prayer. And... as the Word says in James:
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
James 5:16
We had a time of confession and prayer. Some of the youth were open and honest and it was so beautiful. It was so awesome to hear them pray for each other and for schools, church, and families. I think there's more, I think God wants to pull more out of his sons and daughters in confession. It will come - I am hopeful.
Now... what happened last night in a small room in Troy, AL with 20ish college students from Troy University was incredible. I have mentioned this amazing group of people before - the immediate closeness, transparency, and community that just happened in the group. But the true intimacy, LOVE, compassion, honesty... I saw last night has been unmatched in all of my life. It was breathtaking. My husband started the night of confession of after praying for the University and The Church. He shared one thing in his life that has brought so much struggle, strongholds, tears, anger, closeness, confusion, and prayer. One thing that has weighed on my heart and mind for so long. One thing that I have spent countless days on my knees for. He shared it. He was so brave, bold, courageous. I was broken. I am thankful. I am proud. The rest of the night was just as honest, broken, joyful, true, and beautiful. Chains were broken. Weight was lifted. Prayer warriors were invited into others' crap (as I prefer to call it). If you want the churchy version - into our struggles. We shared and prayed and shared and cried and prayed.... When we looked at the time again it was MIDNIGHT!!! What a wonderful night just wallowing and crying out in HIS PRESENCE!!! It just makes me wanna scream and do a victory dance!
IT WAS THE CHURCH. As my husband has learned the truth that the early church was built and founded on PRAYER... we must do the same. Our lives must revolve around prayer. Chains will be broken. Lives will be healed. God's power and Word will be revealed. Freedom will reign!!! It takes us getting over ourselves, accepting Christ's proposal to continuously commune with Him. He listens. He loves. He pursues. He makes BEAUTY from ashes. I rested in Him last night. I felt the presence of Jesus DELIGHTING in our group. In our worship. In our offering to Him.
My heart is so full. Just resting in my Daddy's big 'ol hands.Labels: prayer, The ROPE, youth
this is so dang exciting! I love it!
And I can't wait to hear all about it IN PERSON soon :)
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