fRiDaY fAv!!!!!
This week's Friday Fav is my Fav!!!
My favorite thing in the WHOLE WORLD is seeing girls fall in love with Jesus. I love to see change and joy and challenge and love and holy anger and fruit!!! It's so good. I'm going to share a list of girls who I have SEEN and am SEEING Christ work in their lives. THIS IS NOT AN EXTENSIVE LIST!!! I am just really proud of these ladies!! Ready? OKAY!
First... Haleigh... my co-leader!!! I have seen LOTS and LOADS of Jesus all over her!! It's awesome!! A true, crazy transformation and it is SO GOOD!!

I see Jesus working in her LOT S right now!! He is wanting to use her like CRAZY in her school!! She is a light, a joy, and a friend to all who know her!! So exciting to see her seeking God in her life!!! Go Mags (Pooter)!
This girl has spunk and I love it! She loves Jesus - loves to talk about Him, be with Him, and see Him work!!! It pumps me up! She is beautiful inside and out and is using her time to glorify Him!!! Go Mal Pal!
Angie has CRAZY JESUS strength!! She is a fighter for justice, hope, and goodness. She hates wrong and strives to make things right. She has experienced evil, chaos, and hurt. BUT SHE IS REDEEMED and she lives like it!!!!!!! I love me some Angie!!! Go Ang Go!

This is my girl who moved away... SHE'S BACK!! And I'm pumped. She is such a leader and she LOATHES hypocrisy! She wants to see change. She wants to be the change. She is feisty and I LOVE that about her. Jesus is changing her heart in so many ways (I probably don't even know all of them), and it excited me!
Can I just say that I have been praying for this girl for a LONG time!!! I am seeing Christ in her and IT IS AWESOME!!! She is being drawn to Him, she is changing, she is talking about what's happening in her heart, and she is DIFFERENT!!! She is such a leader and has so much influence in her school - if she uses it for Christ... things are gonna get CRAZY!!!!! GO MER GO!
O wow, have I seen change!! From a quiet, scared girl to a girl whose confidence is wrapped up in Jesus - it's awesome!! I see boldness, seeking, and purity in her. She is DEVOTED and wants more of Jesus! She wants to please Him and I think she is precious!! GO SARA!
KELSEYI have never seen such a maturity and a deepening of faith as I have in Kelsey! It is INSANE!!! Her family has been through so much this year - she could turn to a lot of different things, but she chose Christ and it is so apparent!!! She amazes me and I LOVE her crazy, querky, loving heart!!! God is all up in her story and I CANNOT WAIT to see how He is going to use everything!! He turns ashes into beauty, weeping into dancing, and pain into joy!!!!!! She is the picture of this! GO KELS!!
This girl has a heart to serve and I LOVE IT!!! She is always coming up with new ideas to serve and love on people. She is the little momma of the group - she cleans up, helps out, and makes sure everyone does what they are suppose to do. I have seen her mature in Christ so much within the past year!!! It's so awesome! She is the reason her sister comes to Bible study and it's just so apparent that she wants to do for Him and be used by Him.
KAITLYNThis girl has a heart to serve and I LOVE IT!!! She is always coming up with new ideas to serve and love on people. She is the little momma of the group - she cleans up, helps out, and makes sure everyone does what they are suppose to do. I have seen her mature in Christ so much within the past year!!! It's so awesome! She is the reason her sister comes to Bible study and it's just so apparent that she wants to do for Him and be used by Him.
She finds joy in Jesus' presence. She is happiest at church, worshipping, and speaking truth to others. She said some of the most powerful stuff I have EVER heard at summer camp this year... then she prayed the most passionate prayer I have EVER heard from a teenager!!! I KNOW God wants to and will use this girl!!! CAMP COUNSELOR is written all over her!!!!! GO KAITLYN! WOOT WOOT!
This girls passions are so inspiring. She lives for justice! She gave up her birthday last year and told her friends and family that if they wanted to get her something they should give to this ministry to gives pure water to other countries! Amazing - I don't know many teenage girls with that selfless desire to care for others. I see a rebel in her - a rebel of the world and I LIKE IT! She is also a vegan - again, being different than what others expect. She stands out. She is following the command to be a stranger in the world. Her faith and life stand out too. She is passion, justice, and set apart!!! I love this lady!!!
Becca is AWESOME. She is the catalyst to the Bible study. She is a light in her school. She is the passion in our youth group. She loves deeply and she longs to see change. I hope it happens!!! i love this girl and her heart!! She amazes me. She's one of those girls who you ask yourself, "is she for real, or is she faking me out?"... well, this girl is for real!!!! GO BECCA
Labels: bible study, friday fav, haleigh, youth
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