Monday, December 17, 2012

stand firm... He says

Heavy hearts. Discouraged. No words. Shock. Craziness. and it's Christmas...

Things we are all hearing right now.  The last few weeks, our news stations, news feeds, and ears have been filled with horrendous events. 

My heart hasn't just felt this for a few days, but for a few months. Most of the time when I'm in a "funk," I don't know I'm in a funk until Jesus gives me a holy slap to the face.  Lately, I have KNOWN I'm in a funk... and on a quest for answers. 

At some points, I have thought a change in location would solve our problems.  A change in jobs. Something new. Something different. But... it's really just my heart. It needs revival and a kick back to the heart of the First Century Church! 

Sometimes I get disheartened because I don't see things happening the way I want them to happen - people get in the way, life gets busy, and people don't care.  But... God teaches me... o man... does He teach me. 

I am NOT doing this life for the applause of man. 
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10 

I have had to ask myself this many times this semester. Sometimes... my answer has been "Yea, I'm trying to please people. I want more people coming. I want Bible Study to be packed out. I want all the church members to be excited about the Connection and be pumped about all that's happening. Yes, I want more youth, more college... blah blah blah." Oh... my ugly heart. It's not about me. 
As a servant of Christ, I SHOULDN'T CARE. I do and I minister and I serve and I love because I am His servant and His hands and His feet. No other reason. Why do I forget that so often? 

Also... maybe somebody out there needs to read this... or maybe I just need to type it... who knows.  Anyways, while thinking about changing scenery (when I really needed to change my heart) I kept thinking about the disciples.  Jesus told them when they were going and spreading the Gospel, that if a town or people didn't accept them to move on.  I thought, 'Hey! that means if things aren't going well... we just leave.' Well, on the flip side... some the prophets in the Old Testament spent their ENTIRE lives preaching and teaching and proclaiming... with little to no change in the people. OUCH! Thinking about this... I know God was saying "ANNA... SHUT UP! SIT DOWN! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU THERE!" And I finally got it...

So, the disciples were on a mission to get the Word out to as many people as possible as fast as possible... the immediate spread of Christ's story.  The prophets were sent to tell and proclaim about something that would happen, to encourage, to admonish, to teach.  We better fit the prophets' roles. We KNOW great things are going to happen in Troy, Alabama. God has plans. God is on a mission. God is doing this in HIS timing.  We are here to proclaim that. and... when a revival and a true God movement happens in Troy, AL, I WANNA BE HERE FOR IT! I WILL NOT MISS IT!  So... if you are feeling discouraged and like you just want to escape... STAY PUT. STAND FIRM.  That is just Satan getting in the way! The more spiritual warfare... the more reason to stand firm.  The more discouraging thoughts... the more reason to fight.  The reward is far greater. The importance of souls needing Jesus is FAR more important that feeling better. The more heartache, sin consuming the city, the more adversity you sense... the bigger God's plans are becoming... DON'T GIVE UP!! 

NOT FOR A MOMENT did you forsake me

 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58

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