Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Catchin' Up

I think my life might be slowing down for a minute!! Isn't that exciting?

But lately I have been doing some cloggin' at a Halloween show

Did some painting and coordinating for our Faces of Troy interpreting conference! Our students are awesome! It was a great weekend! Here's a picture from our Interpreter Appreciation Day painting activity - they painted the sign for "interpret"! Pretty cool!

Sunday was Orphan Sunday 2012. My best friends sent me this that morning :)
What a good day... Jacob and I got to tell God's story about Eric to our church. It was so awesome to be on stage with my hubs sharing about our adventure. I would like to do that more. There are really no words to explain how blessed I feel to be on this journey with him... he's the best and he so loves the Lord. 
I was so overwhelmed on Sunday with all the emotions and encouragement and peace.  Our pastor had a time of prayer for us and another couple who is adopting in our church.  Prayer is powerful... it just is. When people lay hands on you and pray to the God of the Universe... it's good stuff. It was so awesome to look up and see our youth, our church family, my mom... just lifting us up in prayer. We heard so many encouraging words, got so many hugs, and were given monetary gifts that just blew me away. 
Lately, I have been so overwhelmed with emotion and peace at the same time, it's hard to cry. Sometimes I feel like I need to cry... because things are so touching and sweet and awesome... but I can't. Is that bad? I don't know. So, if you look at me during a supposedly emotional time and you wonder/judge me b/c I'm not crying... don't worry I'm judging myself! haha! 

Also... can I just say that God is using young people in crazy ways! God is doing something... REVIVAL... MINISTRY... WORK! He says go and do and give... and they give! It's incredible! Despite a few big gifts from more experienced (not old) people, the money has come from young people (our age) who are in college and poor or have just graduated and starting out!! It's crazy to see obedience and faith in action and I ADORE it!! I should cry when I open the envelopes from our friends we have met along the way... but I am in such awe and amazement... I just can't.  But... God is good and obedience is best.  So... God is working in our generation. He is moving... and there are many who are striving to follow! Blesses my heart!!! And I just want to scream THANK YOU and buy them each a diamond ring or something... but all I have to offer is some hugs, a thank you, and just praises to God. 

And today, I voted

It's a nerve-racking day for our country. God is Sovereign. He is on His throne. We must humble ourselves and pray for Him to HEAL OUR LAND. And... go vote! :)

ADOPTION UPDATE: We had our 3rd homestudy session yesterday! ONE MORE TO GO!!!! Our homestudy should be complete and written within the next 2-3 weeks!! YAY!!! All of our clearances came back!! We are clean!! Clearances are a big deal and take a while to get back so that is a huge weight off our shoulders! Now... onto getting everything ready for the dossier (pronounced Dos-e-a... not dozzier. haha)!! That means more money and more paperwork! 

This also means that we will hopefully have a picture of Eric soon!!!! I can't wait to see his face!!! His birthday is November 16th... how I wish we could celebrate it with him... that we could love on him and eat cake. Okay... now I'm crying... oops.

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