Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pourin' it out

Trust in him at all times, you people;
    pour out your hearts to him,    
for God is our refuge.

Psalm 62:8

I've been doing a lot of pouring my heart out to Him lately...
Selfishly for our adoption... well I guess it's not "selfish'... but it can get that way. Ya know... i've never been a mom to a 12/13 year old before, I've never gone through the adoption process, and I've never had to raise over $22,000 for something I believe in so strongly before.  Good thing God is ever present... He is my refuge. I've poured my heart out to Him a lot... I do trust Him... more than ever. HE WILL NOT FAIL US... or you! But get this... pouring my heart out to him... PRAYING... invites His power and presence into every situation, doubt, question, circumstance, fear, and joy. Lately, I haven't just been inviting... I have been begging Him to intervene, to show up, to show off, to be HUGE... and He does not disappoint. 

Also learning to pour my heart out about everything... not only the adoption. Praying for family... not just surface prayers but radical, life-changing prayers. For our church... specific requests and begging for revival.  For our city... o, our city... for God to take over, to create leaders in our community who love the Lord and will mentor the children in Troy, for there to be UNITY (color, ethnicity, religious label... whatever). For my girls, our youth, and college ministry - that He would rock their worlds and His love would spur them to action - that they would question the social norms in order to follow HIS WILL, not their comforts or others' expectations. For friends - that God would use them in unimaginable ways, that their hearts would be content with Him alone, and that we would always/only glorify Him with our friendships.  Even learning to pray about work... this is difficult for me. I'm not sure why, but I tend to compartmentalize my prayer life.  Sometimes I think that since my job isn't directly ministry-related, I don't need to pray for it... so so so wrong. How more of a need. So I have been pouring my heart out about the needs we have at work, the things going on that I thought before God wouldn't necessarily care about... I don't know why I thought that, but it feels SO GOOD to take it to Him instead of stressing over it. Last Fall semester I was a stressed bag of nerves... never again... my God cares for me, I can lay ALL my burdens (including work) at His feet, I can pray (about whatever is on my heart) and He will and does HEAR ME! How awesome. He loves us so much...

We have our first home study interview on Monday. 
We are excited... and a wee bit nervous. I am just gonna pour out my heart to Him about it... AND CLEAN!!! Ahh... The social worker is also going to do the home tour on Monday as well... so guess what I am doing this weekend before the football game?? THAT'S RIGHT... CLEANING every inch of my house. 
It's exciting and overwhelming. 

I got a letter from my bestie Emily this week. She wrote about how we have always talked and dreamed about adoption... and now is the time for Jacob and I. How crazy!! It has always been my heart... and God is allowing us to partner with Him to bring a child home from Belize!! :) 

So... be encouraged... POUR YOUR HEART OUT TO HIM... your whole heart. He hears you. He absolutely adores you. 

P.S. If you want a clock... email me! 

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