Overwhelmed... yet satisfied...
It's been a while... I know. Lot's going on - physically, mentally, and emotionally.
End of the semester craziness at work.
Dance recitals! Fun times... just BUSY! Here's my class! :)
I told you my class feel apart... so these are the 2 that remained. :) We had a good time. It was hilarious when people realized it was me on stage... lots of church people stunned that I was a dancer. Come on people! Get with the program... it's my life! Recital was good... lots of crazy girls with loud shoes on! Loved it.
We also had another Youth Sunday. God is GOOD!!! It was amazing!! :) Freedom will come to Troy!

Through all of it - my asking, my requests, my overwhelmed heart, my seeking... He is teaching. I'm thankful He hasn't given up on me and I know He never will. He continues to teach me and I learn... when I am available, humble, and LISTENING!
So... what is the point of prayer?
TO KNOW HIM! That's it! TO KNOW HIM! It's not to get results. Yes... He always answers. He does show up. He is all powerful and is the God of miracles. But the point of prayer is to know Him. To worship Him. To delight in Him and let Him delight in me. To SIT with Him. To hear and obey. For fears to be calmed because of WHO He is... not the situation I am in. For JOY and PEACE to be shared because I TRUST Him. To know Him... and to want to know Him more.
Francis Chan slapped me in the face the other day with one of his podcasts. He was talking about prayer and read Psalm 27:4:
I'm asking God for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I'll contemplate his beauty;
I'll study at his feet.
What does the transcripts of your prayers look like?
So... what do we pray for?
Any and everything. 1 Timothy 2:1 says the FIRST instruction of worship is to pray for ALL people everywhere. So... DO IT! I get overwhelmed with my ever-growing prayer list but my overwhelmed-ness just boils down to my laziness! We have to PRAY people! Stop with the excuses!
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
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