Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's all good... (update on adoption)

Hello again! It's been a while.  It's time to catch up. Here's what's been going down: 

Our anniversary was great! We went to a swanky restaurant and enjoyed each other's company. 

We went home for Christmas and enjoyed being with our friends and fam so much... good for the heart.
Me with my sweet niece Ava and nephew Barrett... presh! 

Here's the fancy AWESOME table my hubs built the in-laws. I am super proud of him! 

Here's me... I won the first annual Morgan Christmas trivia game!!! WOOT WOOT! 

My sweet momma and her new clock :)

Big D - he won Mexican Train Dominos!!!! Yahoo! 

I also got to spend some time with my besties in Nashville... but I'll put pics up later of them! I have FANCY pics because me and Jacob bought a camera with our Christmas money! Super excited about that purchase (much better than a pistol)!

Christmas was great. Time away was much needed. 

Now... AdOpTiOn UpDaTe:

Can I just be honest? Ok, adoption is hard. The process isn't fun. It's a lot of hurry up and... wait. Lots of paperwork. And knowing your child is waiting. BUT... I have learned some of the richest, hardest lessons through it all.  I haven't blogged because I wasn't ready to share truth and my heart.  I'm ready... So, let me know answer some questions.

Where are we in the process?
We have completed the homestudy, and are beginning submitting the dossier.  With Alabama laws and Belize laws colliding... there is MORE paperwork we have to file than originally thought.  So the first part of the paperwork has been sent to the government.  Once that's approved, which can take up to 3 months, the rest of our life info can be sent. The second half of this paperwork is the information that is actually sent to Belize. BIG DEAL! After that comes the referral (getting more specific info about Eric), more detailed timeline, and then travel.  We are getting there! 

Does Eric know?
We aren't sure. The Belize Dept of Human Services knows WE want Eric, but I don't know if they have told him.  One day he will know that he has been loved and prayed for and wanted by a whole family, church, community, and all the strangers who have gave and prayed.

When will we get him?
Not sure. I know... not the answer I want either.  Everything just depends on paperwork.  My heart would love to get him tomorrow, but that's impossible. Adoption is a long process and, honestly, could take more than a year.  I desperately hope it doesn't, but I can finally say I am good with it if it does.  I hope more than anything we can celebrate his next birthday with him, but God is in control.  This is the question I have battled with the most. I like God to follow my timeline and my wants... but His ways are so much higher than mine.  I have finally accepted (for now) the peace of knowing He's got this and I don't. Whether we get Eric in 3 months or 3 years, I will still want him and I will still love him.  In the meantime, God is equipping me to be a mommy and Jacob to be a daddy... and preparing Eric to be our son.  And... I'm okay with that. For now... I must stop being so overwhelmed in the timeline and serve him while I'm waiting. (waiting... such an awful thing...)

God is so good. He is faithful. He will not fail us... not for a moment. 

Golly... my heart is learning SO much.  So thankful God doesn't get tired of me, isn't scared of my bold prayers, and doesn't give up on me.  He loves me. He loves my crazy heart. 

We would still love to make you a clock... or write your name on a puzzle piece... or hear your story of adoption! 

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At December 30, 2012 at 4:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I never comment on your blog- but I read all your posts and follow it. I am praying for your family, as its cool to know that even though its not official, a young boy has parents who love him and pray for him daily.. something that not all kids have even when they are living under the same roof as their parents. So yay to Mom and Dad for setting an example of what love for a child looks like.

At January 6, 2013 at 6:32 PM , Blogger Peach Momma said...

Just know that God is working everything out behind the scenes making Eric's homecoming perfect!!!


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