Advent. More true than ever.
It's Christmas time.
It's Advent. The waiting for what's to come...
Advent means "the coming or arrival, especially one which is awaited"
I can not imagine how Mary felt... during the advent before the first Christmas. I cannot imagine how she felt... knowing that inside her womb was the Savior of the world and He was coming. I cannot imagine the thoughts swarming her mind of things that were to come, what life would be life once He arrived, what people would say, and how much joy she would experience holding him.
As the Word says, once Jesus was born "Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19).
Mary, along with the rest of creation, was experiencing advent... waiting for the arrival of THE Someone long awaited for.
Every moment controlled and planned by the Sovereign God. Every day calculated out to fulfill every prophesy... perfectly. Every promise kept. Every expectation surpassed.
We are experiencing advent too. Yes... we are awaiting Christmas and the celebration of our King being born on this earth. We are also awaiting and expecting the coming of Eric... one which is awaited. It's exciting. It's nerve-racking. It's exhausting. It's frustrating. It's filled with hope... and uncertainty.
Our Jesus has come.
Although there is no way to compare anything to our Jesus coming to earth... my heart is full of expectation as we also wait for our Eric to be home.
I want to be like Mary. I want to treasure and ponder every ounce of who Jesus is. In a similar way, I want to treasure and ponder every moment, conversation, day, new experience, achievement, hardships, new lessons, and more with Eric.
Waiting for our Eric...
Hoping in our Jesus.
Thankful for a Faithful and Sovereign God.
Advent. Adoption.
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