Friday, March 8, 2013

leaving on a jet plane...

We'll be leaving on a jet plane... TOMORROW! 
Heading to Costa Rica... read about it here

We are pumped! We cannot wait to just be together as a team... ministering to the people of Costa Rica.  We can't wait to tell/show the women how much they are loved, to serve the village by building a new church roof, to love and play with the kiddos like never before, to teach them about Jesus, and for all of us to see Christ in a new way! 

I've been studying JESUS, IN DEPTH, this semester - through Matthew and Luke mainly.  This week I studied the Transfiguration where Peter, James, and John had the amazing privilege to go up on a mountain with Jesus and SAW Him be transfigured into His full glory... talking with Moses and Elijah!! THAT'S CRAZY! They didn't want to leave this amazing sight... seeing Christ in His full glory.This story... it got me thinking.  We are physically hiking up onto a mountain during this trip.  We are going to be experiencing things we have never seen or done before. I am praying that Christ is transfigured before all of us. That we see Him in see FULL glory this week... and the people in Alta Mira are amazed and in awe of this amazing, beautiful Jesus we serve. I am praying that we do not hinder His glory but that it would be BRIGHT, RADIANT, and BEAUTIFUL in each of our lives - in our talk, our actions, and how we love each other and the people! Yep... I want Christ to be transfigured in my life! For Him to BLOW OUR MINDS with who He is and the amazing things He will do!! Praying that He will do IMMEASURABLY MORE than we could ask for imagine! 

So... we need some prayer warriors... FOR SURE. Please pray for:

-God to be glorified. PERIOD.
-Against selfishness for us - we will be 'roughing it' for us spoiled Americans - sleeping on the ground/hammocks, being completely flexible, immersed in new culture, no usual commodities, one bathroom for our whole team, etc. We must be SELFLESS! 
-LOVE - Praying that we LOVE our teammates and the people well.  We must SHOW Christ's love for them to see and believe in Him. 
-Against sickness, chaos, harm - We do not want the enemy to have a foothold on ANY part of this trip.  
-That we would follow the Spirit WHEREVER He leads to and WHATEVER He leads us to. 
-That cultural and language barriers would not matter AT ALL.
-For our team leader, the pastors we will be working with, translators, and each person we will encounter.
-Pray that discipleship will be in place once we leave.
-That the women would know they are SO loved.
-The men would see the love and servant-heart of Christ in our men on our team. 
-The kids/youth would know Jesus and grow up in Him! 

There's so much more... so it's a good thing Jesus helps us when we pray! :) 
I can't wait to write about our trip, show pictures, and tell of the IMMEASURABLY MORE that God did! 

Costa Rica HERE WE COME!!! 

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