Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meet Nanny & Pawpaw

Meet the grandparents...
Nanny and Pawpaw.

Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen? 
I know... they are.

They are wonderful. They have taught me... their 5 kids... their 9 (i think) other grandkids... and their growing number of great grandkids SO much. Right now my nanny is in the hospital because she broke her hip :( I hate I'm not there with her, but her children love her well and are taking care of her. But, with her being in there and needing some extra prayer and attention, I have just been thinking about all the things I've learned from these precious people and how great they are! 

What I've learned from Nanny & PawPaw:
-what it means to love your spouse. Every time Jacob and I get to visit with them, I always say, "I hope you always love me like my Pawpaw loves my Nanny." And he always says, "Well, if you are anything like your Nanny... I will because I'll always be entertained." :) They definitely love each other well... 
- how to love your family well. They both sacrificed so much for the people they loved. Nanny would constantly be cooking when I stayed with her... we would get done with breakfast, she we be getting our requests for the lunch menu... just because she loved us.  A lot of times she would cook multiple meals - red beans and rice for my cousin, mac & cheese for me, and regular stuff for the adults.  Pawpaw would work tireless hours but then still have time to sit and be with his family. He would take his grandkids fishing. They both came to EVERY SINGLE dance recital I was in. They sat through hours of strangers' kids dancing to see me in my dances... priceless.
- Nanny taught me how to be a lady - poots and all! :) She's the one who taught me about walking farts, "pull my finger," and burping! 
- Nanny showed me that it's all good when family is together... no matter what... even if the bread is burnt. 
- Nanny has taught me that a boy will treat his woman like he treats his mommy... I think it's true. 
- Pawpaw always showed me he loved me, supported me, and would defend me... no matter what. 
- that walking on the ceiling is the best thing - my Pawpaw probably threw out his back from picking me up and letting me walk on the ceiling so many times.
- Pawpaw taught me how to listen and make my words count.
- Nanny continues to show me how to laugh... have fun... and enjoy being me. 
- Pawpaw taught me how to be a good fan... even when your team is awful. Poor Pawpaw holds out on the Braves and watches every game, EVERY year... 
- Nanny showed me the beauty of fake teeth! Haha! I begged her to pull out her fake teeth and say, "GIVE ME SOME SUGAR!" every time I was with her. HILARIOUS! 
- It's never too late to change and do something new! They made changes in their lives late in life (words they used, habits they had, etc).  
- GOD IS BIG and GOOD! I have seen so much goodness in their lives - from just being great grandparents, to being healed of colon cancer and aneurisms and more, to giving us all GREAT joy! 

I've learned so much... and it's definitely not over yet.  If I could sit and write for hours... I wouldn't have enough time to type all I've learned. They are wonderful... and super cute! 

When I grow up... I wanna be my momma... and then my nanny. 

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At March 6, 2013 at 5:24 PM , Blogger Emily Joy said...

so sweet :)


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