This Is Africa!
So, to exaggerate on my last blog. This entry and the next few will be ALL ABOUT AFRICA. Oh... how I love it!
Okay. So as I mentioned, in December-ish of 2008, I started feeling a tug on my heart to go on a mission trip to minister to the Deaf SOMEWHERE in the world. I was willing, so I started searching. I ran into some really sketchy "ministries," people, and websites. I persisted. My motto for that times in my life was and forever will be, "GO until God says 'STOP!" So I went, and searched, and prayed. Somehow, I'm still not sure how it happened I was put into contact with a church who put me into contact with Lance McWilliams in Colorado! Crazy! Lance recently became the "owner" of a DEAF ORPHANAGE in Kisii, Kenya! YES! I was pumped! I knew in my heart of hearts I found the place I was suppose to go.
I wanted to go alone, just me and God, and be brave and experience all these amazing things. God said no, re-evaluate. So, I did. He said... "invite." So, I did. I invited 2 of my closest friends, Kira and Jamie, who are also interpreters. That was funny in itself. One day after class, I told them I had a question to ask. They were like, okay... and I said, "Do you want to go on a mission trip with me to Kenya to a Deaf orphanage?" haha! Their faces were hilarious. They said, "Are you serious?" "YES!" They questioned whether an "adult" would go with us, if we would go through an organization, if I knew someone in Kenya. My answer was the same... no... God just told me to go and I want to share the experience with you ladies. They (along with their parents) were a little stunned, but my God softened their hearts, made a way, and allowed us all to agree. I NEVER imagined them really going, but it happened. The fourth member of the team, Emily, was added one day in my apartment living room. Emily is my best friend and was my roommate at the time. I love her so much and am so grateful for her friendship/sisterhood. Her heart is so precious and pure. That specific day Kira, Jamie, and I had been fasting to really pray and discern if this was God's will. (Keep in mind that this was late April and the trip happened in August!). We were praying together and Emily walked in and semi-jokingly I looked at her and said, "Do you want to go?" She looked at me with wide eyes and told me she was going to go on a walk and talk to God about it. And she did. And He said "YES! You are going!!" 

Jamie, Kira, Emily, Me
So the four of us begin planning. Support letters. Phone calls. Plane Tickets. But all those things require money and we had none. We were told we needed to raise $4,000 for EACH person = $16,000 in THREE months (May-July) WHAT?!?! Mind you, Emily and I worked as camp counselors in separate states, without cell phone service, without a way to "plan!" CRAZY! Some might say impossible! So, the months rolled on and we started saying "WHEN we go..." and not "IF we go.." because God was supplying the money! It was insane. Check after check came for all of us. By the time we left in August, our AWESOME God has raised over $17,000 for us and the orphans!! Exceeded our needs... as usual. Our faith was so small. He was just showing off, and we relished in His love! It was so amazing. He is our Provider!
We prayed up, planned up, read up, packed up, and were ready to go to KENYA on the adventure of a lifetime.
This was posted in the orphanage office. It's so true and rang far more real throughout this mission He sent us on.
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